Cosmetic Dentist – Restoring Your Smile

Cosmetic dentists can provide a range of treatments to improve the appearance of your teeth. These treatments are often elective or desired, but they can also have restorative benefits.

Veneers can be used to conceal misaligned, chipped, discolored or crooked teeth. They can also be used to correct dental stains and whiten teeth.

Teeth whitening

The most affordable and popular cosmetic procedure for teeth whitening is now. It has helped to boost self-confidence and improve the appearance of many people`s smiles.

Dental whitening can be used to brighten the teeth by removing the staining caused by food, drinks, medication and personal habits such as smoking. It can also be used to improve the look of dental work such as fillings and crowns.

When used properly, tooth whitening can be safe and effective. However, it is not recommended to be used if you have severe gum disease or large cavities.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a painless cosmetic dentistry procedure that can fix a wide range of smile flaws. These porcelain veneers are thin shells made of durable porcelain that cover your front teeth. They transform them into beautiful smiles you can be proud of.

To get started with veneers, you will need to come in for an initial consultation and examination. Your dentist will trim your teeth slightly to accommodate veneer thickness.


Bonding can be used by your cosmetic dentist to fix minor aesthetic flaws. These issues can include chips and cracks, gaps, or misalignments.

Your cosmetic dentist will take X-rays and examine your teeth and gums to determine whether you are a good candidate for dental bonding. Your dentist might recommend that you treat severe gum disease or tooth decay before bonding.

Before beginning the procedure, your dentist will select a shade of composite resin that closely matches your natural tooth color. Next, your dentist will prepare the tooth and bond it. Finally, the tooth will be sculpted and textured to give it a more natural-looking appearance.


Dental crowns are a very versatile restorative dental prosthetic that dentists use to address a variety of issues. They can be used for large or small cavities, as well as to correct stains that do not respond to bleaching.

They are usually made from porcelain and look very attractive. They are strong enough to be long-lasting and can blend in with the rest of a patient`s smile, making it difficult to tell that the tooth is crowned at all.


Dental bridges can be used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth. These restorations are fabricated in dental laboratories using solid materials that can endure biting pressure and are shaped and colored to resemble natural teeth.

Cosmetic dentists typically use porcelain for bridges because they have properties that make them look natural. This material is also used to reshape teeth and restore bite alignment.

An implant can be used to replace a traditional bridge if a patient has multiple missing teeth. Implants are posts that are surgically placed into the jawbone to act as a base for the bridge.


Implants can be a great choice for replacing missing teeth. They are a restorative, non-surgical tooth replacement that can improve your smile and self-esteem.

These teeth are strong and stable, and look and feel just like natural teeth. They can protect your other teeth and allow you to chew again comfortably.

A comprehensive dental exam includes x-rays and 3D images, models of your mouth and jaw, and other diagnostic tools to determine if implants are a good solution for you. A consultation with a specialist may be necessary, such as an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a dentist specializing in treating structures that support the teeth (periodontist), or a prosthodontist who designs and fits artificial teeth.

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